
Thursday, February 28, 2008

Savannah AIDS Walk for Life

Hey Everybody! Come out Saturday, March 8th, to show your support for ending and preventing HIV/AIDS! Union Mission is hosting this event at Forsyth Park starting with registration at 8:00 am, a speaker and aerobic warm-up at 8:30 am and the walk starts at 9:00 am. I will be there walking with friends and Teri will be there with the Savannah Peace Tile Project - an art project to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS.

In 2006, I attended the Arthritis Walk. At that time, I did not feel up to walking the entire route, but it was important that I supported this cause! As you can see above, that day I used a wheelchair and some of those pictured came simply to cheer the walkers on!

So, please come out Saturday even if you do not feel you can walk the whole route -- just come out and support the cause!


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