
Friday, September 25, 2009

Howard visits Savannah State University

Howard visited Savannah State University and shared his story with Darnel Jones and Andrew Anderson. Darnel is majoring in Civil Engineering and Andrew is majoring in Business and both are on the SSU Basketball Team. Also, Darnel and Andrew are assisting CCABoH as part of their community service requirements. All three enjoyed meeting each other and Darnel and Andrew were inspired by Howard's story. Howard appreciated coming to campus and meeting these young men. CCABoH appreciates their commitment to advocating for the homeless.


  • At 12:26 PM , Blogger Jenilyn said...

    Way to sport the NonConformist shirt, Howard!

    I miss you!

  • At 11:51 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

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  • At 11:53 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

    Hey Howard!
    I had no idea you had a blog until I spoke with Terri this afternoon. This is sooo very cool! I am glad to know you are doing well and still winning folks over with your charm and beautiful smile!
    I would love to see you and hope that you can drop back by the LIFE office soon.
    Love ya,

  • At 5:53 PM , Blogger Lauraland said...

    Hi, Howard! You look the younger brother of those fellas! I am glad you are still doing your outreach work! Wish you were up here to help me!


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