
Saturday, August 02, 2008

We Were a Part of History!

Earlier this week, President Bush signed into law a bill that included the National Housing Trust Fund. This trust fund creates new affordable housing all over the country for people like me. Thanks to all of you who wrote letters to their Senators and Congress members this summer, telling them about what you saw when you volunteered at Union Mission and why affordable housing is so important!!!!

This National Housing Trust Fund is a historic step in the right direction...thanks for joining me in making history happen~



P.S. If you enjoyed writing to your elected officials to encourage them to vote for legislation that helps end homelessness, let me know! We can do more! Post a comment and I'll let you know what else is out there to write about~~

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  • At 10:00 AM , Blogger Jenilyn said...

    Congratulations, Howard! That is great news, and I know that all of the YouthWorks participants who wrote advocacy letters this summer will be encouraged to know that they were part of a part of something so big. See you soon!

  • At 3:49 PM , Blogger Cory said...

    Howard- I was one of the youth in Savannah during the last week (I think it was week nine), and really like writing advocacy letters. Is there anything else that I can write about?

  • At 3:59 PM , Blogger Howard Jackson said...

    You betya!
    Take a look at my friend Laura's list on the Union Mission website. It is called "20 Things You Can Do" and I think it is under Advocacy. Laura tries to keep it updated, and you'll also find her e-mail address. She can give you great info on legislative action. Thanks for everything, Cory! Love, Howard

  • At 2:06 PM , Blogger Dave said...

    It has been awhile and I hope you are very well! I wanted to write to say Hi and also see how you are doing? I also wanted to tell you I was on a stroll around the office today and I say an number of the cards you painted on the walls here. I also saw them at some colleges here. They are a daily reminder of how much God has used you and continues to each day! I really miss you Howard!


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