
Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Power of Words

I am so proud of the youth volunteers who have come to Union Mission this summer! Not only have they worked really, really hard, they have taken the time to write to their elected officials about homelessness. Here is what a few had to say:

"I've learned that homeless people just need a little bit of help. There are too many stereotypes that have to do with homelessness and it needs to stop."


"After meeting these people (UMI's clients) and talking with them about their struggles, I realized that these people are just like you and i."

Guys, this really touches my heart! Thanks for all your hard work. Let's all try to look past quick judgements and stereotypes and see people for who they truly are!


  • At 2:05 PM , Blogger moneil said...

    Hi I was volunterring at UMI the week of July 21st with Hopewell Baptist Church in Seneca,SC. You such an amazing person.The first time I met you, you touched my heart and this past week when I saw you again, you blessed it! I hope to see you again someday.
    Love in Christ

  • At 2:07 PM , Blogger moneil said...

    Homelessness is a horrible thing without sterotypes

  • At 4:49 AM , Blogger Howard Jackson said...

    thanks for your commitment to volunteering on behalf of homeless folks. You will probably never realize how much seeing volunteers around helping out means to people in shelters-- especially those who feel very alone in the world. You have blessed us, too!

  • At 6:19 PM , Blogger Message Behind the Ink said...

    Whht a priviledge it was to meet and spend some time with you. What a blessing to see how you interact with the young generation, but let me say some of us older ones can realate very well with your story. Mine is very much like yours and after listening to your tesimony it enabled me to let our youth at Youth Works know that I, like so many others was granted recovery without the pain and struggles that you have experienced. Was my transformation easy? No. Were there different sacrifices that I had to make? Yes. All in all, we are different but what reamains ever so constant is the Grace of God which we all are blessed with.
    Thanks for helping me tear downs some walls of pride and humility in order to walk together with you to retreive the lost sheep.
    In His Love,


  • At 1:02 PM , Blogger Howard Jackson said...

    Richard and Linda-
    You are a blessing, and I hope you will continue to keep it real with the youth!


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