
Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Volunteering Fever...Catch It!

Here are a few comments from volunteers who pitched in with me at Union Mission in July:

Being here challenged my views on homelessness greatly. My actions that usually take place when I see a homeless person are a glance and then a turn of the head, but those actions are changed now. Next time I will glance a little longer, try to catch their eye and ask them, "how are you today" because sometimes just a simple question could make their day. ~Emma R.

...passion and love for helping others is infectious...pulling weeds, cleaning warehouses, whatever I did, it was an amazing feeling to know my actions have improved the lives of someone in need.

~ Kylie McC

I hope these words encourage us all to keep giving back and see the whole person in everyone!

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  • At 8:13 PM , Blogger Dave said...

    Howard! I lost your email, this is the only way I know how to get a hold of you, write back! Hope you are well! I miss seeing you and working with you! It was fun reading your blog and seeing pictures of some of our groups! Let me know when you are flying up to visit!

    Dave (From MN)

  • At 3:57 PM , Blogger Howard Jackson said...

    Hey, Dave. I'll send you an e-mail. Great to know you got home safe. When is it warm enough for me to visit????

  • At 7:17 PM , Blogger Dave said...

    Howard, it is warm enough for about a month. We would love to have you! Send me an email and we can discuss it! Take care of David and maybe you could go eat a rack of ribs for me??? Talk to you soon,


  • At 1:51 PM , Blogger Howard Jackson said...

    Hey, Dave. Wish I could come see ya, believe me! Things have been a little tough for me here lately, but I am hanging in there. One day at a time. Hope you are doing great!


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