
Friday, March 11, 2011

A Visit With Students

This past Wednesday, I was able to meet with a group of students from Chicago who came to Savannah for a spring break service trip. I told them my story and shared my experience with advocacy. I talked about many of the obstacles I've overcome in life, including addiction and homelessness. I hope that my story served as an inspiration to them to never give up, to never be too proud to ask for help, and to always remember that the Big Man's got it.

I've done speaking events like this in the past, but it has been a while since my last one. If felt good to share my experiences again, and hopefully it is something I can continue to do in the future.

I thought the students were great. I admired them that they chose to serve over their spring break rather than just relax or party. I was happy to take a few pictures with them, and I took a short video myself.


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