
Monday, February 07, 2011

The Process of Life

Life is a process of meeting and solving problems. Solving problems is a way that we test and develop our spiritual muscle. Think of outstanding people such as Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, and Hellen Keller. Lincoln faced the problem of a divided country; Gandhi, an oppressed India; Keller, her personal handicaps. In rising to meet their vision, courage, fortitude and compassion, they have become great not in spite of, but because of their problems.

Problems often come to us in the form of crisis. The chinese glyph for the word crisis contains two symbols - one means danger and the other opportunity. When an obstacle is before you, use it to create a beneficial result. As with Lincoln, Gandhi and Keller, let your problems bring out your greatness. Rather than pray for a life that is problem-free, ask for one that is solution-full. Instead of requesting that God remove the mountain in front of you, seek the strength to climb it.

Remember that the best students always get the toughest problems. Love the problems you have, and their priceless gift will be yours.

I think we have a very current example with our president. Barack Obama faced problems of his own, many of which he overcame before even taking office. The struggles and pressures of becoming our nation's first black president have shaped him into the man of fortitude and progressive change that he is. He may or may not be remembered for his accomplishments in office, but he will always be remembered for the journey that got him there.


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