
Friday, May 06, 2011

Southern Storms

I've seen on the news all of the destruction from the storms that swept through the south in the past couple of weeks. Blocks of cities have been destroyed by tornados and a lot of people are without a home. People who were living comfortably just a short time ago, are now living out of shelters or gymnasiums because nothing is left of their home. They have to completely rebuild from scratch.

I'm glad to see that people have responded to this crisis and are lending a hand to those who need it most. The American Red Cross does a lot of this and I commend them for their efforts. The first step is to take care of the injured, search for the missing, and find temporary shelter for the homeless. The next step of rebuilding is more challenging.

My thoughts and prayers will continue to go out to those affected by these storms.

I hope the clean up finishes quickly and the people who were most affected can start to rebuild their lives.

I've also heard about the flooding that is going on along the Mississippi River, especially in Illinois and Missouri. I hope they are able to control the rising water levels and keep the nearby towns from being destroyed.


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