Monday, February 07, 2011

Our Tribute to Laura Webb

My friend Laura Webb worked with me for a long time at Union Mission in Savannah. In 2007, she moved to Washington D.C., but her memory never left Savannah. Recently, I have really missed her presence and hard working attitude, so I would like to share some things that people wrote about her upon her leaving Savannah.


There once was a lady named Laura
Who burst into our lives
She's really made a difference
For those whom fate deprives

She came to Union Mission
And tried to light a spark
The spark became a flame
That moved us from the dark

She comes to work for countless hours
She never seems to tire
And then when others get depressed
She tries to lift us higher

We are so sad she has to leave
We didn't have a choice
We'll miss her calm and caring love
We'll really miss our "voice"

We wish you luck and joy and peace
We'll really miss our friend
But you will stay within our hearts
Until the very end!


To my dear friend Laura:

What a great friend you have been to all of us whose lives you have touched through Union Mission. We are all so sad to see you go, but at the same time, we know that this is the right thing for you to do.

I remember the first time I came to volunteer and you asked me if I would be a tutor to someone in recovery. I was very nervous, but then I met Robert, and he became a special person in my life and you helped me put together a book of his poems before he died... I will always be grateful we got that done.

Then, along with Howard and Karim, I came to the first meeting of the CAB, and we set off on another journey with our dear Laura Webb leading the way. Our Consumer Advocacy Board would not have made it without you and together we have experienced many sad moments, many happy moments, and of course many challenging moments.

It is said that no one is indispensable. I beg to differ! There will never be another Laura Webb. You have shown us the true meaning of grace under pressure, compassion without pity, commitment to EVERY small detail no matter how trying, and a genuine love for a job that brought its share of frustrations as you stood side by side with so many people whose lives were chaotic. What a difference you have made in so many lives!

THANK YOU just isn't enough, but please know that I consider myself blessed to have worked (in some small way) beside you these past years.

Love ya lots!!
Mo Field


To Laura:

You're the best... why?

You're caring, giving compassionate, and most importantly, YOU ARE YOU!

I am truly grateful for knowing such a splendid person, someone who will continue to be a caring and inspiring person to those who are yet to know you.

Thanks for the many years of priceless friendship we have shared.

I wish you and yours many, many years of continuing success in all that you do. Remember, life is a journey, embrace the journey. We will miss you.

In loving service,

Johnny (Karim) Freeman


I have known Laura for 7 years. We met at Union Mission and together we have accomplished lots of work in the community. Laura and I have been through a lot together and we get along great, like brother and sister. Sometimes we don't always agree, but that's how families are - we still love each other. Laura and I are very close - we look out for each other. My favorite part of the work I do with Laura is speaking to young people about my life experiences in hope that they won't make some of the same mistakes that I did. I am grateful to Laura for helping those speaking engagements happen. Without her, my life would not be the same.

From Howard Jackson


There is a special person from my past I admire a lot. I learned from this very special person, you can do good things for anyone and not expect anything in return. Let it come from the heart. Be a voice for the voiceless. It is worth the effort to fight to make a community better.

No matter what time of the day or night, you could call her and get advice, find help, or can be directed to the person or service to help make it better. Never judgmental. Resourceful. Always nearby.

I was fortunate enough to have a special person like this in my life with Laura Webb. A kind and generous spirit who can find a way to make things happen. Caring spirit. I will miss that quality Laura possesses, but I am also happy for her new beginning. Our loss is Washington's gain.

Thank you Laura for always being there; for helping me to stay focused; for giving me the chance to participate. Thank you for knowing the answers. God bless you and the best of luck to you in your future endeavors.

- Renee


WOW! When I first met Laura, I was homeless, full of fear and very alone. Someone I had met that had gone through Union Mission and knew Laura, took me to Grace House on Fahm Street. When we got there the man who took me there saw Laura and they hugged. And, he introduced me to her. I look back now and I feel like I was Charlie Brown and with the little red haired girl. As time went by, and I grew to know Laura, I saw a dedicated woman full of humility, and a true selfless humble servant. Laura works from morning to late evenings wholeheartedly for those in need at Union Mission, Parent and Child, and CABoH, etc... She has been so supportive to me personally, and has listened to me, encouraged me, and has led me to others that I could be of help to. Also, finding opportunities for me to tell my story of HOPE to others, so that they might be able to understand what it is to be homeless, and what it takes to become a productive member of society. Laura Webb is going to be missed tremendously bu myself, everyone at Union Mission, and I am sure, by everyone whom she knows in Savannah! What an example of a true humble, selfless servant! Laura has been that for me and many others. May God bless her and always keep her in his precious sight.

With Love and Respect,

Stephen R. Bond

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