Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sweet Summer

This is a story written by a friend, that I wanted to share with you. If your life looks like the story below, or if it looks a little different, enjoy every day.

Roller blading in downtown California while I'm singing my favorite song. It's humid and abrasively sunny with a temperature of a hundred and five degrees. The music accessibly played on my small radio. "T-Shirt and my panties on, T-Shirt and my panties on"

Meanwhile, calculably roller blading up to the back yard swinning pool for a swim. I compliment the day with a yellow and black bikini made by essence. "Oh sweet summer, how I love you, let me count the ways."

Suddenly I start to feel famished, as I head for Tangiest Chinese restaurant, only to order shrimp and broccoli. Furthermore, I have a love for swiftly working out at the gym, just to be invited to club 57 on Rodeo drive by a long time friend.

Tonight I'm stepping in club 57 with a slinky black dress on made by Liz Claiborne and a pair of black heeled pumps. As I ease into the party with flashing white lights. I honored him with a dance in a nearby corner of the party room. That ole sweet summer sunshine.

In a sudden exhausted meditation, I exit the party room and head home to a million dollar estate that I had bought five years ago. No company, except for the two love birds that hung passionately and timidly from the ceiling with a lovely sound.

I have experienced eternal bliss as I take a flight of an airplane traveling to Venice, Italy this day. High price hotels, expensive dinners, and all the perks of having a high paying job. Being a power professional and proficient is not easy unless you're a natural born representative.

So therefore, enjoy your life, whether it is that sweet summer or not. Make every day count for something. And maybe then, just then you can count some memories from that ole sweet summer.

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