Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Union Mission Friends

I have known Laura - on the right- for 7 years. We met at Union Mission and together we have accomplished lots of work in the community. Teri - on the left - started working at Union Mission about 2 years ago and has helped me with the art projects that Laura started with me. Teri is also the typist behind this blog. Teri does the typing because when I was injured I had a stroke that left my right side paralyzed - so it's hard to type. Also, the injury damaged the part of the brain that allows me to spell and speak. So, Teri does the typing and interpreting for me so I can communicate with you through this blog.

I wanted to tell you more about Laura - Laura and I have been through a lot together and we get along great, like brother and sister. Sometimes we don't always agree but that's how families are - we still love each other. And we can't forget her children! Here's one below:

Oswyn, like all well-loved children, is great to have around!
This picture was taken at the JC Lewis Health Center. Oswyn
is a therapy dog and so he gets to visit there from time to time.
Sometimes me, Laura and Oswyn visit children, too. I enjoy talking to children and sharing my story with them. I hope to help them make good decisions about their lives.
Laura and I are very close - we look out for each other.

1 comment:

  1. Hello howard, that dog is almost as big as you are!(HaHa)
