Wednesday, May 02, 2007

I'm back!

Here is a picture of me and Karim, a fellow CCABoH member, at the Union Mission Kole Center Opening. The Kole Center is housing for women experiencing homelessness who want to work on their addiction issues.

I am on the right path with God. I recently finished a beautiful painting with my collaborator Sierra. The painting was of the Zodiac Wheel. We donated it to the Starfish Gala, a fundraiser for the Starfish Cafe. The Starfish Cafe is also a Union Mission program that teaches culinary arts to people who are at risk or experiencing homelessness. The Starfish is open to the public and serves wonderful gourmet food. I like the Bread Pudding best!

Let me tell you about Karim. He is on the CCABoH board. CCABoH stands for Community Consumer Advocacy Board on Homelessness and strives to be a community voice for those experiencing homelessness from people who have experienced it firsthand. Karim and I have been friends for about 15 years. He's a great guy!


  1. Good morning Howard! Your page looks really good. I enjoyed reading it. Stop by the Cafe soon! Chef Rachel

  2. Good to see you are back to blogging! Love the photo of you and Karim!

  3. Howard, it's great to read your blog! Thanks for the update. I am excited for all of our youth to meet you this summer and hear your stories. They will be blessed!
    - Jenilyn from YouthWorks

  4. You have a tool here to help others, to share your experiences. Also to help those at Grace House, you can make a change. Best of Luck
